Department of English and American Studies

Your education – your future.

Our students study language and literature, participate in various activities and events. People from all around the globe unite to have rich academic life and a lifetime experience as a bonus.

Our graduates find themselves in journalism, social media, literature, education, translation, interpreting and continue their academic and cultural growth.

Studies: we have a range of disciplines including English and American literature, History and Culture of English speaking countries, linguistic subjects, such as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmatics, teaching methodologies..

Academic life: participate in workshops, lectures, podcasts, festivals with invited guests from many foreign countries and much more.

Lifetime experience: improve your English and communication skills, get to know new interesting people, make friends with domestic and Erasmus+ students and guests, study abroad, get ready for your future career , find your path in life.

Stay in touch also via our Facebook and Instragram. Or listen to our podcast to learn more about us.